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标题: 要給別人的龍人繪(完成上色图!) [打印本页]

作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-15 01:13
标题: 要給別人的龍人繪(完成上色图!)

名称: Alyse
年龄: 24
身长: 195 cm
种族: 龙人
职业: 殺手
武器: 武士刀和激光手槍
個性: 溫柔尚嚴肅
衣服: 女式緊身衣褲加5%鎧甲
。。。和一大堆英文寫的背景資料 (懶惰翻譯[s:29]          )


用這首歌上色: [s:64]  
http://www.esnips.com/doc/53c3f4 ... ---Ring---01---Ring


作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-15 20:01
引用第1楼银月龙于2009-04-15 07:39发表的  :
哇~  华丽度真是一等一啊~


2.這~ 你要她有雙重人格嗎?
引用第2楼音龙于2009-04-15 18:50发表的  :

Character Profile:

Name: Alyse of Acegus (no relations with Alisa)
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 195 cm
Blood type: Half-blooded
Weapon: Light blue retractable energy sword (primary), laser handgun (secondary)


A gentle and determined spirit, yet cunning and fierce. Once a mercenary thief and then an ex-convict, Alyse was conscripted into the Acegus military from prison. Her superb skills in stealth and infiltration caught the attention of the commander and she was the only prisoner chosen. In addtition to hand-to-hand combat training, she was also taught in handling covert operations and assassinations.

Hoping to improve further, her superiors tasked her as a test subject for various scientific experiments; despite her protests. On the plus side, her participation earned her a prototype power armour that enhances her physical performances (strength, agility, vitality etc.) and a special combat suit that links her mind and body with the armour. In addition to the armour, she was also given a remote cloaking device that acts with the armour. On the down side, the experiments costed her her wings and her tail; replaced with cybernetic ones. In addition to enhancing her abilities, the armour also helps in powering her cyber wings, providing extra energy for her brain and body to move them. However, she disliked the fact that her natural abilities were tampered by her new cybernetic enhancements and would prefer to limit their use unless most needed.

When her defiant protests to end her participation went on unheard, she took matters into her own hands and escaped the laboratory where she was held; stealing a retractable energy sword that can slice through anything including metal and a laser handgun. She eventually fled Acegus after several hostile encounters with her superiors and the military. Days of flying eventually landed her in the land of Asguard, unaware of what fate has in store for her in this new land.

****For artist reference******

Description: A gentle yet serious expression; Primary colour is dark blue, secondary colour is light yellow; head design is standard; eyes are gold; wears a small gold chain around neck; wears a black combat suit; worn over the suit is a white power armour that covers her torso; wears a pair of white shoulder pads, a pair of black wrist braces (right one has built-in remote cloaking device), and a grey knuckled glove covering her left hand; a grey belt with her laser gun strung around her waist, two pockets on both side; a pair of black combat pants, covers half of shins; white shin guards strapped around shins; silver cybernetic wings powered by both her main armour and brain, can be folded inward (close to body) for added mobility; silver cybernetic implant replaces lower half of tail; gold markings covered her face (left side), right arm and tail ; retractable katana-style energy sword in her right hand.
作者: 龙剑士    时间: 2009-4-15 20:03
唉,昨天没来。没有及时看到dragoon86的美图。 [s:17] 风格还是华丽中带着帅气。这次的花了不少时间吧。画面层次感较强,上色后应该会更好。一点点个人的感觉(仅供参考):如果性别是雌性的话,那条尾巴是不是有点大呢?En...也许还可以。
期待完成上色的图啊 [s:64]
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-15 20:33
引用第4楼龙剑士于2009-04-15 20:03发表的  :
唉,昨天没来。没有及时看到dragoon86的美图。 [s:17]  风格还是华丽中带着帅气。这次的花了不少时间吧。画面层次感较强,上色后应该会更好。一点点个人的感觉(仅供参考):如果性别是雌性的话,那条尾巴是不是有点大呢?En...也许还可以。
期待完成上色的图啊 [s:64]

這次是一小時半 (´∀`)v
作者: 卡恩    时间: 2009-4-15 21:52
LZ加油~~ [s:38] <3
作者: 小水龙    时间: 2009-4-16 17:23
真的要直说么?...那....我要抱走.... [s:38]
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-17 03:02
引用第7楼bbh2023679于2009-04-16 06:59发表的  :
还有dragoon86 你的眼睫毛好像画得很长哦,不过我当然知道为什么,女的嘛!不过我还是把我的师傅和我说过的话转告给你听吧:不要去刻意的在乎细节,要在乎整幅画给人的第一影象是什么。

反光点?? (盯著圖像。。。)在那里?我有加嗎?(我只是画两個圈圈而己)
引用第9楼小水龙于2009-04-16 17:23发表的  :
真的要直说么?...那....我要抱走.... [s:38]
引用第10楼猛龙战将于2009-04-16 17:25发表的  :
武士刀+手槍???听着怎么这么像是我的装备??? [s:39]

這種DEVIL MAY CRY 装备形色很常見吧。。
作者: 小水龙    时间: 2009-4-17 12:23
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-18 02:33
更新完成上色图!!(影子很美 [s:64]  )
作者: 小水龙    时间: 2009-4-18 07:01
终于看到彩色图了~身上的衣服想到特工了= =|||
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-18 10:31
引用第15楼小水龙于2009-04-18 07:01发表的  :
终于看到彩色图了~身上的衣服想到特工了= =|||

作者: 龙之化身    时间: 2009-4-18 11:20
[s:39] 像高达
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-18 11:37
引用第17楼龙之化身于2009-04-18 11:20发表的  :
[s:39]   像高达

[s:17] [s:17]
作者: 蓝龙冰魄    时间: 2009-4-18 12:07
那所谓的翅膀好有意思 [s:38]
作者: 龙剑士    时间: 2009-4-18 17:53
dragoon86的功底好强大啊! [s:38] 另外那首歌挺好听的,大家去听听吧。 [s:69]
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-18 19:52
本人喜歡同人音乐 (已有15gb 了吧) 50%是東方音樂。。。
LC:AZE 的YUNA 我很喜歡^^
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-18 20:05
我是用MSN 的[s:24]
作者: chtujian    时间: 2009-4-19 00:25
恩~~恩~~我就是看看 [s:64]  [s:64]
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-4-19 09:33
引用第27楼箭雨星痕于2009-04-18 23:27发表的 :

是伪娘么…… …… ……0 0?
只是……腿部前后处理的不明显啊,没很好突出前腿- -我是这么认为的|||还有脚趾- -||||||||

作者: dragon‖乱    时间: 2009-4-19 17:24
作者: 龙之化身    时间: 2009-5-1 07:50
[s:64]  [s:64]  [s:64]  [s:45]  [s:45]  [s:45]  [s:38]  [s:38]  [s:38]
作者: dragoon86    时间: 2009-5-1 10:54
引用第34楼龙之化身于2009-05-01 07:50发表的  :
[s:64]   [s:64]   [s:64]   [s:45]   [s:45]   [s:45]   [s:38]   [s:38]   [s:38]

作者: 卡瑟·战熊    时间: 2009-5-1 11:25
Really nice!!!! [s:68]  [s:68]

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